Saturday 14 January 2012

Tg costume: Forage cap

Moving on from yesterday then:

I put up my first sketch of my TG costume. Today I have been making a pattern and mocking up a forage cap, or a side cap as it is also called. The side cap was worn for everyday use, it's main feature being that it was foldable and compact and sometimes had a peak, like in this example of a British RAF WWII cap.

As I don't actually have one to open out and figure out a pattern I am using loads of pictures of the internet to try and guess my pattern and then just putting it together. And this is what I came up with...
 I have, for ease of seeing the different shapes used a blue topstitch, there are a few tiny things that I will change, like perhaps some of the proportions, but basically I'm a pretty happy camper with this attempt!

Sometimes my brain works so well I could kiss it.

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